![]() 06/25/2017 at 17:57 • Filed to: Fleet Update, Volvo, XC70, V70, V50 | ![]() | ![]() |
Well, this is the status of our driveway now. Yep, the Ody is still my mom’s daily, but I now drive the XC70, my dad the V70, and my brother will have the V50 in a few months.
These slightly dodgy pictures are off my old 5S that I was clearing off today; I took them about a month ago when I vacuumed the interior on all of them while my parents were out and took the liberty of applying some Dave Barton stickers :D
These Vo’s all are amazing cars that drive so differently despite wearing the same badge. Perhaps Oppo Reviews of each are in order soon. What’s going on with your fleet?
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:00 |
I’m not worthy.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:01 |
[hides cars]
This type of blind brand loyalty is unhealthy!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:03 |
Says the man with four Toyotas! Hypocrite! ;)
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:04 |
Bow in the excellence of sixteen Swedish cylinders all in one transverse line on a single driveway.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:05 |
I like that high mileage sticker, I wish car companies still gave out badges like Mercedes used to.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:07 |
Da feels yo.
Please adopt me.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:11 |
Possible swapping of my Dad’s 2013 base BRZ for a 2017 Series.Yellow BRZ is the only potential change in our fleet.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:13 |
Agreed. Volvo stopped giving out badges too, but luckily Dave Barton makes replica stickers. Good enough, but not the same. Unfortunately original badges are getting more and more costly and are no longer something you’d want to put on your car lest it fall off.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:15 |
Your dad has a BRZ? Your dad is a cool man. Why switch out for a new one if the old one was satisfying? I haven’t followed the model line too closely, but did they add something considerably better to the new cars?
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:18 |
Nah, two living beings are already more than enough for my dad to worry about keeping alive. Ever wonder why he only buys Volvos? That and my mom is a paranoid woman.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:18 |
Mmm gimme dat v70.
The Outback is getting ready to be sold, the work trucks are working hard, as they do, and the Miata is being spoiled rotten! New steering wheel, and winter tires/wheels on the way!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:22 |
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:22 |
He has been very happy with his BRZ but yesterday the dealer called saying they have a customer who wants to buy a used BRZ and what could they offer him to trade it on. The Series.Yellow is a limited edition of which only 500 were produced. It comes with upgraded Sachs suspension and Brembo brakes as well as an exclusive yellow color. They found him one and are offering to sell it to him at the same monthly rate as he is currently paying.
The upgrades on the Series.Yellow are the same as you would get on the 2018 BRZ STi sans body kit.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:41 |
if my dad’s car winds up totalled, I’m floating the idea of selling him my Legacy, and buying a V70.... I probably won’t do it, but the idea is there.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:43 |
Ah, I misread! I thought you said a “Yellow 2017 Series”, basically a 2017 car that happened to be Yellow. I totally get it if he’s upgrading to a Series.Yellow, those are awesome. No more horsepower though, but a great deal nonetheless!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 18:49 |
Nice Leggy! Those are my favorite generation, we considered a stick-shift XT Outback from that generation instead of this XC70 but decided that the flat-fours are too much of a gamble; how has yours been? Oh, btw if you can’t live with the little things broken then don’t get a Volvo. Beyond a decade old they all have little quirks and niggles that are expensive to fix but don’t affect drivability. Falling roofliner in the V50, creaks over bumps in the V70, so on and so forth. I’m thinking it’s usually due to prior neglect since the relatively new XC70 shows no signs of those issues. Then again, it is much, much more recent so perhaps they’ve been ironed out.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:00 |
Thanks! Mine has been flawless, but I’ve only had it for a little over a year, and it’s essentially brand new. Just turned over 42k kms, and it’s a 2006. That’s the main reason I likely won’t sell it, I’d never find anything around the same age/price range with miles this low. I don’t mind little things too much, as long as they don’t cause real problems. I’m used to having stuff to fix, it’s actually weird to be driving something that is needing nothing but routine maintenance.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:08 |
It does have +5hp and a meatier mid range vs the 2013 but that is true of all 2017s.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:16 |
I’m seriously looking at v70s. Is there anything I should look out for or any forums I should check out?
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:17 |
Haha, I know that feeling. Nice to hear it’s treating you well and you’re treating it well! A DD may not be super exciting, but there’s still a satisfying symbiosis to be had between a man and his loyal friend!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:19 |
It’s old and dog-eared, do be warned, although it still packs a punch under its tired old body! Anything you’re replacing the OB with? And it’s awesome to see the Miata getting some love, that’s what petrolheadism is all about, the little (or big) things we do to make our cars better!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:24 |
Here you are: http://forums.swedespeed.com/forumdisplay.php?20-V70-amp-V70XC-amp-XC70-(2001-2007)
And not really, just don’t expect maintenance to be cheap because European parts and specialists. We probably take each of the older Vo’s in once a year for a $1-2K repair outside of just maintenance, last time it was a leaky CV joint on the V50 and my dad’s V70 had some upper cam work done (at 211K miles). No issues with the engine durability whatsoever, they’re very stout. Watch out for bodged electrics, when we got my V50 the entire center console had no power and so that was a minor (but annoying) fix. Oh, and finally HVAC can be a nightmare. Make sure the heater works (no antifreeze smell, the heater core is awful) and A/C is a bonus, although it’s kind of weak on my dad’s ‘01. I think that’s it, best of luck in your search!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 19:43 |
I would love to find a manual Baja. Otherwise... I’ve been seriously considering importing something fairly cheap! S60r/v70r is basically top of my “affordable” dream car list, but after looking over on swedespeed at the time/work/money it takes to keep them running well.... Might have to wait on those :/
Good friend of mine has an s60r, and for whatever crazy reason doesn’t like the stock 5 spokes. Basi my facori stock wheels on the planet, so I may just buy and hoard them away haha
![]() 06/25/2017 at 20:19 |
You are fantastic! Thanks for all the info.
![]() 06/25/2017 at 20:55 |
![]() 06/25/2017 at 21:34 |
Oh my god what an awesome upgrade from the V50!
T6 with Polestar tune. MAD JEALOUS
![]() 06/25/2017 at 22:54 |
Haha, thanks dude! I hate myself for saying this and I swear I’m not a spoiled little brat, but to drive I’d still take the V50 any day. Ok, long-distance the XC wins hands down, but if I’m going out for an evening run in the bends, the V50 is the car of choice. IMO it really shows that more money and power doesn’t necessarily make a more fun car, although the little blow-off valve sound that the XC’s turbo makes when coming off the throttle is quite endearing.
Now don’t get me wrong, the XC70 is a magnificent, magnificent car, but what I’m saying is that it didn’t turn me off the V50 like I thought/hoped it would. Nah, I’m still gonna miss that little P1 sorely when I leave for Uni :/
![]() 06/25/2017 at 23:17 |
Oooh, you can’t go wrong with stick-shift ute. And don’t go there, R cars are hardly affordable! No idea what +50 hp does to them, but they are considerably more unreliable than any lower P2 car so good on you for taking note; we’re die-hard Volvo people and have yet to have an R too so perhaps our time will come!
Yep, nothing beats some nice Pegs, not sure what’s up with your buddy! They look good on just about anything!
![]() 06/25/2017 at 23:20 |
Thanks man! How have you been? I haven’t seen you for a while! The Leaf and Ody good? Great to have you back again!
![]() 06/26/2017 at 11:17 |
I have been very well, thanks! How about you? Junior really kept me busy so not much time for opportunities, but that’s over now haha. The Leaf is good, I got my license in April so I’ve been driving that. The ody is at about 110k miles, still going pretty strong. How’s your ody doing?
![]() 06/26/2017 at 12:18 |
P2 VR owner here. Can confirm shit be expensive. Can also confirm that I love looking at Flash Green everyday.
I like that you’re actually using the pen-holder in the V70.
![]() 06/27/2017 at 01:23 |
It just holds a shitty Bic, but I suppose that’s all you ever need.
Also, a bit grouchy now because the V50 is leaking oil AGAIN. Fuck.
![]() 06/28/2017 at 12:04 |
Hey man I understand completely what you mean. The XC is definitely more family cruiser and “luxury power” if that makes sense. It’s not a race car. It’s highway passing power.
The V50 is a lot younger and more fun oriented. I mean it’s platform mates with the Speed3 after all and a lot smaller and more tossable.
I’ve become kind of a luxury whore at this point though so all the bells and whistles on that xc would win me over instantly
Though now that I kinda think about it I did prefer driving my base model c30 over the fully loaded v60 quite a bit.
![]() 07/19/2017 at 22:15 |
Right, exactly. After a few months, I think the sweet spot is probably more around the ‘60 range although I personally wouldn’t have an XC60 and the V60 XC’s are too new to have depreciated enough. I would imagine they’re a nice combination of the peppiness of the P1 platform and the cushyness of the P3 cars; you’ve driven one, is that a correct assumption?
I do remember contemporary magazine tests noting that the ‘50 was quite good in its own right as a comfortable but still nippy DD with a little extra space and luxury, i.e. they were surprised to be impressed by a small Volvo wagon :3
The XC70 has bells and whistles alright, but whenever I get back into the V50 I realize that in the smaller car I need none of them; just a CD player, a sunroof, and the open road.
![]() 07/20/2017 at 00:03 |
I’m doing pretty well too! Heading off to Uni this fall in the XC70, but honestly I’m kind of jealous of your Leaf runabout! The more I do local errand runs to grab stuff and hang out with friends the more I realize that 16 mpg out of a turbo-I6 sucking premium is a great way to waste money! Unfortunately the little V50 is sidelined due to a transmission fluid leak otherwise I’d much prefer going about in that, but it never got great fuel mileage either. I keep pushing my dad to get a low-cost electric car but the drive is plenty full and he can’t stand the whine—is it really bad in the Leaf? He said it was unbearable in an early model year Leaf but absent in a Model S (of course).
Our Ody’s got 160K now, pushing close to 170K with about 50K miles on its rebuilt engine (which still runs great now that we keep an eye on the oil!) Of course, the seats are a bit worn and the van is pretty dinged up, but literally nothing beats its hauling capacity. I took five friends over to Santa Cruz one weekend, and it’s still got that Honda magic in the steering and suspension—that and we’re taking it down to Monterey to scuba dive this weekend! As an all-purpose machine there’s nothing better than a big J-Series powered monospace!
![]() 07/25/2017 at 20:04 |
Where did you decide on going? I’m just getting into applications and college visits. Yeah it certainly is nice to never have to pay for gas! There is a whine, but it is artificially made to warn pedestrians which can be disabled. If you look up “ Nissan Leaf VSP ” on YouTube you can hear it. I haven’t tried that out yet though, so I’m not sure if theres a whine that’s being masked by the artificial whine. I don’t mind the noise, personally.
When and why did you have to rebuild the engine? Yeah it’s great for carrying people and nothing else can quite match its blend practicality, space efficiency, and reliability. I love the engine, it sounds way better than any minivan has a right to! One of my favorite parts of the car to be honest...
Also, saw this XC70 today and it reminded me a lot of yours!
![]() 09/21/2017 at 20:52 |
Oops, I didn’t see this! Sorry about that! I’m at the University of Arizona for Engineering undecided so far, and I’ve enjoyed the last few (busy) weeks!
Nice, gotcha. I wonder if Nissan’s since updated the VSP, for me it would be a cool novelty but it would certainly get on my nerves after a while...honestly a Volvo Twin-Engine would be perfect for him as his commute’s 11 miles—less than the T8's 18, but the price tag is far too rich for a man whose most expensive car purchase was a $28K Odyssey!
Well since this was the first application of VCM it had a particular appetite for oil around 120K which lead to almost entire oil starvation of the crankshaft because it consumed so much over the course of nine months without an oil change—we chalked up the piston knock to valve clatter at the time since we didn’t know any better, and to its credit, even on barely any oil the J-series fired up every day and showed no signs of faltering (besides the racket) until we took it to the dealer (yes, but he’s our Honda guy) and they cracked open the powerplant. Plopped in a new 60K mile block, now running beautifully as we keep a weather eye on the oil consumption—about half a quart a month, it seems. Not bad given my mom takes it up to redline at least two or three times a week, that VTEC can sing!
Well, not to brag, but I found another XC70 too... ;) (Although, I must confess, the one you found bears an uncanny resemblance albeit minus the Polestar badge...I have this theory that my car was part of a press car fleet which may explain the number of similar brown XC70s around the country...)
Mine’s the absolutely filthy one on the left, of course!